Throughout my time at Bewonder I’ve worked on a variety of projects, from the core print, web and social pieces all the way to a 10 meter-long Ice Castle. Below are some of those pieces, aimed at both client and end-consumers.
Art Style
To make sure the Beacon's art-style was up to date,I was set on the task of producing poster concepts and then designs from spring through to winter. Keeping to the Beacons core,  blue colour scheme I worked with retailer imagery to create designs that revitalised the brand each season.
Tenant Operations
One of my on-going responsibilities at Bewonder was to supply the client and retailers with a quarterly 'operations pack' which included details on; events (both previous and upcoming), key figures, important updates and interaction ideas to encourage engagement. To help make this document more digestible and interesting, I was tasked with creating an eight-page booklet to be printed and emailed for further reading.
Ice Castle

The 10m long ice castle was created for a Santa 'meet-and-greet' event. This 2m high castle consisted of 48 individual pieces including towers, gates and an exit-route. An ice brick pattern was applied and then adjusted to make sure that every piece connected seamlessly. 
The design was a huge success with both client and families enjoying the event! Even Santa was surprised with his castle.
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